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Image by Dylan Freedom

Life Group Questions for THE GOSPEL OF MARK

Writer's picture: South Beach ChurchSouth Beach Church

I-5 is a trip. If you're from Oregon you know your stretch of I-5. It's familiar to you. Comfortable even. But once you get a little north or drive a little south of your comfort areas your experience is different. Things change and you have some choices to make. You can choose to enjoy the differences and changes or you can resist them and pull back. On Sunday night we hit I-5 at about 1a. Traffic was light. Then we stopped in Grants Pass at 3:30a for gas and kept going. I fell asleep at this point for about 90 minutes. THANK YOU GOD! We stopped in Redding for breakfast and are now in Lebec at the base of the Grapevine pass about to embark towards LA and then into Tijuana later this afternoon. I-5 will do most of this for us. Nothing around me is familiar to me right now. It's all new and a little foreign. But one thing remains the same no matter what stretch of I-5 you're on or what side of the border you drive, God is good and God is for you and God has a plan to use you. The challenge today and every day is to allow God to lead us outside of our comfort zones, open up our eyes, and use us for His glory and others' good. Today let's expect the Lord to open up opportunities to serve others and to be stretched ourselves. This is what life is all about. Let the unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations of your life drive you to His will and His purposes. I love you guys. See you on the other side of 1-5 in just a bit. 

Pastor Luke 


Have you prayed about starting a 4 Is More group for you and some of your friends? 

We believe that discipleship and fellowship in the Lord is more important now than ever before so we are encouraging EVERYONE to press into greater friendships with like minded believers so we can GROW together! If you have questions or need help getting your groups started, email us and we'll do what we can. 


• Young Adult Group Monday's at 6p at the Offices 

• Women’s Walk and Talk July 10th

• Monday Bible Study at FTK 6p

• Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays Step Study at 6p at Foursquare 

• Food Pantry Tuesdays 2:30-4p at First Presbyterian Church

• Middle School Youth Group Wed at 4p Foursquare (SUMMER BREAK!) 

• High School Youth Group Wed at 6:30p at the Foursquare (SUMMER BREAK!) 

• Thursday Morning Prayer 7:30a at the Offices! 

• Series 33 Men's Bible Study at FTK Friday's at 6p


• Fundraiser Craft Garage Sale July 11th-14th

• Footsteps of Paul Tour June 2025

• Sunday's Church Live at 8a, 10a, 12p and online at 6p FOURSQUARE! 

SBC Offices open Mon-Thur 10a-3p

1164 SW Coast Hwy Suite A


5x5x5 Reading program. 

Keep reading your Bibles! 

Download the reading plan at 


You can mail in your offerings at 

South Beach Church

PO Box 950

Newport Or 97365


1) Jesus continues His teachings and parables. What is your favorite parable of Jesus and why? 

2) No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket or their bed. Instead, they put it high up on a lampstand. Why shouldn't we hide our light? What ways can we elevate our light so the world can see? What does God want to elevate or show off in your life? Read Matthew 5:16. 

3) Jesus also talked about how the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. It's small but grows HUGE! Just like the Gospel of Jesus. The Gospel of Jesus has changed our lives in Newport, Oregon, USA, Mexico, and the list goes on. Talk about the family of God and how we are all connected to one another! 

I love you guys! 

Updates from Mexico coming soon!

See you soon. 

Pastor Luke 




215 NW 15th St, Newport, OR 97365

PO BOX 950 Newport, OR 97365​  |

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