Right now my Tundra has a few dashboard lights on. It's not new. It's pretty normal to be honest. One is the airbag symbol. Not sure if that's important or not. Another light says something about maintenance required. This one comes on every 5000 miles to remind me I need an oil change. Noted. The last one that's on (for now) is the fuel light. That tells me I'm almost out of gas. My fuel is dangerously low and if I don't make a quick stop at the fuel station, my truck will stop working all together and I'll be stranded on the side of the road. It's happened before. It's interesting when the light gauges come on there's always an immediate feeling of disappointment. 'Oh man, a light just popped on!' But the lights are not a bad thing. They're actually designed to give you a fair warning of bad things that are coming unless you make an adjustment and head to the fuel station or the mechanic. The lights aren't mad at you. They're there to serve you and direct you to fixing things so you can actually continue on your journey in a safe and effective way. It's the same thing with God's Word and God's Spirit. Along our journey His Word will light up your path and direct your feet. But it will also point out those areas where the fluids are low and things need addressing or adjusting. The Spirit of God will do the same thing as we're on our journey. We'll often feel confirmations or warnings concerning the things around us. Oftentimes the Spirit is leading us to some form of refueling or repair or even seeking out a trusted friend or 'spiritual mechanic'. God has given us everything we need to stay on our path with full strength and great purpose. Don't ignore the gauges on the dashboard of your soul today. He is for you and His 'lights' are one of His gifts to you. The best is yet to come.
Pastor Luke
Have you prayed about starting a 4 Is More group for you and some of your friends?
We believe that discipleship and fellowship in the Lord is more important now than ever before so we are encouraging EVERYONE to press into greater friendships with like minded believers so we can GROW together! If you have questions or need help getting your groups started, email us and we'll do what we can.
• Young Adult Group Monday's at 6p at the Offices (Cherry City Concert!)
• Women’s Bible Study at Foursquare 10a
• Monday Bible Study at FTK 6p
• Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays Step Study at 6p at Foursquare
• Food Pantry Tuesdays 2:30-4p at First Presbyterian Church
• Middle School Youth Group Wed at 4p Foursquare
• High School Youth Group Wed at 6:30p at the Foursquare
• Thursday Morning Prayer 7:30a at the Offices!
• Series 33 Men's Bible Study at FTK Friday's at 6p
• Good Friday service March 29th 6p
• Easter Sunday! 8a, 10a, 12p March 31st
• Oregon Women's Conference May 18th Lebanon Oregon
• Sunday's Church Live at 8a, 10a, 12p and online at 6p FOURSQUARE!
SBC Offices open Mon-Thur 10a-3p
1164 SW Coast Hwy Suite A
OUR WEBSITE southbeachchurch.org
SERVICES ONLINE: youtube.com/southbeachchurch
5x5x5 Reading program.
Keep reading your Bibles!
Download the reading plan at southbeachchurch.org
You can mail in your offerings at
South Beach Church
PO Box 950
Newport Or 97365
1) As we dove a little further into Mark's Gospel on Sunday we noted that this wasn't the first time Jesus had called the boys to leave their nets and follow Him. It was a process for them to 'go all in'. How has your process looked to fully follow Him? We pointed out that Peter would actually go back to fishing in John 21 and Jesus would AGAIN have to call him to follow Him. For some of us this is a daily conversation. A daily task of 'leaving your nets' and following Him. Jesus asked me to follow Him at age 8. It took 12 years before I would 'go ALL IN'. How 'ALL IN' are you right now? Talk about your walk with Jesus right now!
2) What nets did you have to leave behind to follow Him at the beginning? They may be obvious nets of the flesh or lifestyle choices. As we grow in our faith the nets tend to become more inward than outward. Attitudes and character issues. What nets is the Lord calling you to drop now that you may grow closer to Him? (I LOVE YOU!)
3) After Jesus called His boys to Himself He quickly took them to church! Did you grow up going to church? Who taught you to read your Bible, pray, and serve? Who are you teaching to do these things? If you didn't have that example growing up, you can still become that example to the people around you in the way you attend church, serve, worship, and give. Let's be examples to those around us!
The Lord loves you and KNOWS everything you need!
Pay attention to His Lights and He will lead you on!
Pastor Luke